International & Project Cargo Shipments

Bespoke transport solutions for heavy and oversized cargo.

International shipping to Iraq

We are specialist cargo handlers and international transporters for remote destinations where shipping is an extremely complicated mission

International Transport and Vessel Chartering

We help you with completion of all customs and tax formalities for any foreign country


Leader for International & Project Cargo Transport and Shipments

Our Experience, Your Advantage.

Cargo International has been the international transport service specialist for over thirty years, taking good care of your cargo from your factory through to the final destination. We work with you every step of the way and help complete all customs and tax formalities so you can reach anywhere in the world.

Ocean freight

We believe the concept of international shipping by sea involves more than simply transporting containers and goods from one place to another; the best solution must always be found as quickly as possible and at market prices..

Air freight

Transporting goods internationally by air is the ideal solution for clients with urgent shipments so they need rapid, reactive organisation to move their goods.

Road freight

Thanks to an extensive network of trusted haulage contractors with which we have worked for many years throughout Italy and across Europe, Cargo International can guarantee to provide every type of road transportation.

Project Cargo

For high-quantity shipments that cannot be loaded into containers.

Thanks to our worldwide network of brokers, we always find the best solutions for shipping any type of goods: whether they are large, very heavy or have specific stowage requirements.


We operate in the most disadvantaged, hard-to-reach and high-risk areas in the world

Cargo International specialises in transporting goods to and from remote destinations, where getting the goods to the final destination is an extremely complicated mission. Our experience and specific knowledge of these countries and their many rules and regulations plays an essential role in enabling us to meet the multiple transport demands.

Transportation to and from Iraq

Providing transportation to and from Iraq for over twenty years means we have considerable experience of operating in this country.
This enables us to offer our clients international import and export shipping and transportation services by land, air and sea to all the key locations in Iraq. Our services do not end once the goods reach the port or airport; we guarantee door-to-door shipping

Seeking solutions for your international shipments?

Contact us now. With over thirty years’ experience, we’re here to help you overcome your biggest challenges with transport services and logistics solutions for any destination across Europe and worldwide.